Friday, December 14, 2012

2012 summaRY

Now its summary time..! Well this is my first summary actually cz i'm so busy and this blog is not my type anymore.. LOL..!

s0 YeaH..! i'm gonna short it from:

January - March i've been recruited in a company recommended by my dad..

Office environment and that's my second Spect.. My eyes sore and swollen and that Spect designed for Computer not for dim

June i've been recruited in a Remittance company..
Office environment.. 1 Malaysia Flag Yellow, Blue, Red Lips and White Skin.. aGaGa..
August Eid Celeb.. Grey okek..
Tim timi my BFF Forever made this Kurung..Full Sponsor okek..! Luv her

September my BlackBerry R.I.P 2010-2012 and will never be replaced by anyphone.. but I'm sure I can replace.. so I replace it with
Torchlight okek..kau ade?
October my KPTM's Concovation at PICC Putrajaya
When I walk on stairs, I'm fallen in love.. S**T..!
November make up my BFF.. Syiero's engagements
Congrats dear, hope last til Jannah
and my Khatimul Quran's Graduation.. 
She's my sister, she's graduated too and my mom and dad, graduated as a Sanad's Degree...!
December, resigned and focus for my business (while looking for a job gak..huu)

Beauty Product
Wedding Favor/ Door gift
Cake and Tart
Korean Outfit
Kemeja (T__T)
Make up and accesories for Rent
Dress and Clutch bag for Rent/Sale


Tune Speed, Repair Computer, Laptop

Pls like and share

Ok I'm also wants to congrats my friends who have been called as a Madam, Bum, Fiena and Myza.. and Bum will be a mommy soon.. Pray for her n her baby ya'll..! 

Yeah..That's it..! I will leave you with my 22th Birthday's celebration's video..
See yah..! Salam.. Bye..! 

Monday, August 13, 2012


s0 L0NG Ha?
i'm N0T DisaPPeaR, i'm JusT iNvisiBLe
same L0ve sT0RY 6th Times N0w..!!
DaFuQ is THs??
0k i'm wR0NG
aLL Bk 2 maseLF
i DiD wR0NG 0F maseLF
LeTs BeGiN 2 B a mRs cRaB Bk..
Juz G0T TiReD 2 B kiNDa 
wiTH0uT $$
xcuse me i'm vaLuaBLe...!

NewaY, N0THiNG.. i'LL P0sT B0uT THs m0NTH N NexT m0NTH LaTeR..
i kNew 0NLY me ReaD THs..

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

RiTe THeRe..

HeLL 0... 
eRm.. iTs s0 messY RiTe HeRe.. 
veRY DuskY..

FiNaLLY i F0uND HeR 0k.!
N0w i'm FeLT Like a New B0RN
Like iT was BeiN F0RGive N BeeN 4GeT..
BuT is iT??
H0Pe sHe caN accePT iT as 1 0F D 0BsTacLe NeeDs 2 B FaceD wiT..
N i'm s0RRY 2 Him T0o..
0F BeiNG sPiTeFuL.. cz TReaT me Like a RuBBisH..
Like a ******

s0 waT uP wiT mY sTaTus 
'eG0, PLs seT us FRee' ?
YeaH.. i've BeeN cRazY 0F cRYiN' 0F sumTiN' iDk..
Y NeGLecT me Like DaT?
waTs mY FauLT?

LauGH.. wHeRe u've BeeN?
i Neva see u siNce DaT DaY..

0wH weLL..!

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

i'm siNGiNG N i N0e iT..

HeaR iT iF u waNNa BLeeD uR eaR
0kek TaNx..

4 ma BFF's
GaD0 aGY.. T__T

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Nu YeR

iTs Nu YeR..!!

N0w  iTs Time 2 Give u ma aNaLYsis PeRceNTaGe B0uT ma LiFe iN 2011..
caReeR: 99% 0kL0RH
FiNaNce:20% i'm BR0ke
FRieNDs: 98% Luv Ya ma BFF's
Luv:95% - 0% eRm..
aLL iN aLL: 90% i'm sTiLL aLive..
T0TaL: 312% kacHiNG..!

BaBai PuRPLe..HYe siLveR..!
BaBai m0T0R..HYe caR..!
H0Pe THs wiL B FuLFiLLeD 2waRDs THs YeaR..
2012..HeRe i c0me..